Friday, August 16, 2013

Shakin' It Up

Earlier this week, I received an email from the company where I work as a contract senior editor. It said the article pools I’ve been working on for the past three years are drying up, and they’re terminating the contracts of a number of writers and editors as a result. I’ve been identified as one of their “top producers”, so my contract will be renewed at its present rate. However, the tasks I’ll be performing may change.

At this point, I still don’t know how many hours I’ll be able to get with them or exactly what I’ll be doing. The changes will happen on or around September 1st. Until now, I’ve been able to work nearly full-time at that contract job, so this news has me a bit on edge. I’d been feeling a little bored with the work, thinking it wasn’t challenging me much anymore. I didn’t expect this, though.

Since I’m not sure what might come out of this, I decided it’s time to get back into the job market. I sent out my resumé on a few jobs yesterday, and I’ll start watching the ads for others. I guess it’s also time to get back to building my freelance business, just in case I’m not able to find full-time employment. I've let that slide a bit recently, since my contract position was nearly full time.

As a middle-aged woman with two liberal arts degrees, I recognize just how tough a road I have ahead of me. I'm hoping I can get by with a little help from friends and family and their connections. I also know that my hard work, perseverance, and sense of humor will be great assets in my job search and in a new job.